Дайри умерли, а я ещё нет.
45 deaths of Doctor Who

21/12/1963 – Silly robot monsters introduced into informative historical series. Doctor Who dies.
21/06/1969 – The mystery of the Doctor's people is ruined. Doctor Who dies.
22/10/1977 – A gimmicky robot dog joins the TARDIS crew. Doctor Who dies.
02/03/1982 – The producers forget to put aliens in a story. Doctor Who dies.
05/01/1985 – The classic twenty-five minute format is abandoned. Doctor Who dies.
27/05/1996 – The Doctor kisses his companion. Americans are involved. Doctor Who dies.
03/09/2007 – A Christmas special, four specials for 2009 and a whole series for 2010 are confirmed. Doctor Who dies.
25/12/2007 – For the first time ever, the show is the most watched of the week. It is also the second-highest rated program of the year and the Audience Appreciation index is 86. Doctor Who dies.
04/01/2009 – The new Doctor is revealed to be a young male actor. Doctor Who dies.

@темы: Утащено, Doctor Who

17.06.2011 в 16:53

Да уж, бедняга Доктор))