Дайри умерли, а я ещё нет.
Вроде бы это я тоже ещё не постила здесь...

HTGAWM - сериал, суть которого состоит в том, чтобы постоянно прыгать через акул. Ну, вот и тут спойлеры

Интервью шоураннера HTGAWM меня, как бы это сказать, даже умиляют.
Здесь, например, в флэшфорварде в первой серии сезона показали накрытое простынёй тело, и только в зимнем финале раскрыли, кто это. Это уже привычная структура максимального нагнетания - нагнетание в HTGAWM всегда максимальное.
Но, как в первом сезоне шоураннер до последнего решал, кто убийца, так и здесь - кто жертва.

It wasn’t easy to make. I switched my mind a million times, and I really just didn’t make a decision, and I was like, “I’ll make it when I have to,” and “I’ll make it when I have to,” and then eventually it was episode 7, and I had to make a decision.

Did you have an inkling at least at the beginning of the season that it was going to be спойлер?
No. It makes me either really lazy or it’s my creative process, I can’t tell. It’s really easy over the hiatus to be like, “Okay, what’s the hook of the show going to be? Oh, someone’s under a sheet.” That’s really easy for me and fun and you make that decision without really thinking of the future decision you have to make. So, no. I really put it off.

Was there a part of you that felt like you really needed to kill someone big to make sure that that stakes would continue to be high?
I was open to it not being someone big. немножко спойлер I watched it the first time, the season premiere, and I was like, “Whoa. It’s someone big.” I don’t think you want to just lead people on for nine episodes of “Who’s under the sheet?” and then give them Simon, who is a new character. I would throw my remote at the TV if that was me watching.

Вот это я понимаю - making it up as he goes along...

@темы: Сериалы