Episodes in pairs
Seeing the future first and the past last (UTL/BTF)
The Doctor and Davros with Davros the Great Healer (Doctor) and the Doctor the creator of the hybrid (Creator/Davros)
Night mode in daytime and daytime in the blackness of everlasting darkness
Zygons as humans and humans that are Zygons
Osgood and Osgood
Which one are you? She is both but is only one - one is both and both are one
Friends within enemies, enemies within friends
Death opens a door, life closes a door
Enemies are never a problem, you have to watch your friends
Mortal Ashildir has a whole village who will die for her
Immortal Ashildir lives alone
Finite life has a name and a story (Ashildir)
Infinite life has no name and outlives all it's stories, forgetting them (Me)
Death is not the end
From death springs immortal life
Life is the end (of memory)
Missy and Clara with Missy as the Doctors friend which makes Clara...........
2 Claras - one good, one evil. The evil one ends up good which means the good one ends up.......

(из каких-то обсуждений?)

Про Sleep No More:

It takes the unexplained nature of the monster from Midnight and combines it with both the Doctor leaving the story baffled because he doesn't get the info that the audience does from Girl in the Fireplace AND the implication from Blink that the story's monsters are coming for us. So it's a story about a plot to murder the audience, which the Doctor walks through confused and aware of its fictional status but unable to connect the dots and finally leaves before the villain succeeds in its goal and implants itself into you and me.

I loved how there wasn't any 'I AM THE DOCTOR!' or cuddly post-adventure finale of the sort we get every single time. It's totally unclear what is happening during the final act, but we're given enough info so on some level we vaguely get it. Then the episode just abruptly ends unexpectedly with this horrifying twist ending in which I the viewer ¤¤¤¤ing die. The ULTIMATE Moffat era fake death ending.

When did you get it? (Heaven Sent time-loop-(not)