У него был измученный вид, видно всю ночь носился по лесу в поисках леса и не спал.
Всего лишь безобидная, хоть и многообещающая, сцена из трейлера.
Первая реакция: Доктор напуган => это поля Трензалора.
И понеслось...
Being pedantic, a forest isn't "fields".
Good point, fields aren't full of trees, woods and forests are.
And a field can't have trees? A field can't perhaps have a number of trees adjacent to it? There's only 1 shot out of the 3 that are shown in the trailer where you can even see trees and it doesn't even look like there are many.
I don't see why the "Fields" of Trenzalore have to be, well, fields.
Fields don't have to be grassy open and flat things. They can be magnetic, solar... radioactive.
Well, because Dorium said that the Question would be asked at "The Fields of Trenzalore" and since we are seeing the Doctor in some woods, and not a field, you have to wonder why people are leaping to the conclusion that this is Trenzalore.
Так и живём