Сегодня они меняют шрифты в заставке, а завтра Доктор регенерирует в рыжую женщину - весь Хуфандом в одной фразе.
Дальше на английскомПро спойлеры:
It's about wanting to know everything there is to know but hoping there isn't much to know
Коротко о Кларе:
- If Clara is killed in episode 11 (if that's what The Crimson Horror is), then how can the Doctor save her from that fate in the Christmas Special?
- Who says Clara is killed in episode eleven? It's the Christmas special in which we think she dies...
- I'm probably missing something , but why do people think she dies( in Christmas special or at all)?
И ещё:
First rule in Doctor Who. If you don't see them actually die, they probably didn't.
Second rule in Doctor Who. If you do see them actually die, they'll get better.
Про эру Седьмого:
I don't think I fully understood all of what was going on when I first saw it [The Curse of Fenric], but I don't recall being particularly confused by it either such that it is still one of my favourites. Re-watching and re-reading over the years have helped my understanding of the plot and once I finally got my head round what the heck was going on with the chess puzzle the ending was quite satisfying.
Now Ghost Light is another matter altogether. Even after seeing the original transmission and watching and rewatching the VHS and then the DVD I'm still not entirely sure I understand what's going on.
И философское:
This is your standard "pick one element and ignore the balancing factors" perspective.
The very moment you adopt that point of view all you nice verbose justification becomes meaningless. You're analyzing a skewed version of Doctor Who, not Doctor Who itself and thus your analysis has no bearing on the actual program.
betawho, you're a damn smart guy. You have some fascinating insights into Doctor Who. You'd have even more if you'd lose the darned tunnel-vision analysis technique.
They [haters and lovers] are not really "equal and opposite extremes", there is no rational reason to assume or begin with a "neutral" stance about something concerning Doctor Who in the context of fans or a fan website for it. This isn't a court of law, or a UN delegation, or a journalism exercise, it's fan discourse, the general assumption is that the show is pretty good on the whole. It seems you assume some kind of "unbiased" remit is in play here, and moving in either direction to "extremes" is somehow equivalent. And in general, people liking and being positive about something is nothing to get irritated about or react negatively to even if you don't share it.
Thus it's not "only fair the reverse gets the term", if I understand what you mean, they're not equivalent.
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Цитатное (анекдоты и афоризмы)
Сегодня они меняют шрифты в заставке, а завтра Доктор регенерирует в рыжую женщину - весь Хуфандом в одной фразе.
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Дальше на английском
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