А в англофандоме тем временем разразился скандал, когда фанаты устроили травлю телеведущей Ферн Бриттон, после того как она заявила о своей ненависти к научной фантастике вообще и "Доктору Кто" в частности. Den of Geek отреагировали статьёй о том, что злейший враг сериала - это фанаты.

Maybe it's the underlying bitterness within fandom of their precious show not staying the same, not remaining as it was during their childhood, which leads to sociopathic acts such as this being deemed laudable. The alternative is that some people are just miserable and can turn someone else's positive into a negative.
Doctor Who now is not made for us anyway. We enjoy it because it is a continuation of the show we loved as children, and allowances are made for us because the show is inclusive, and yet we tear it apart. Why can't we, as fans, manage to enjoy it on our own terms irrespective of the opinions of others?
Doctor Who now is not made for us anyway. We enjoy it because it is a continuation of the show we loved as children, and allowances are made for us because the show is inclusive, and yet we tear it apart. Why can't we, as fans, manage to enjoy it on our own terms irrespective of the opinions of others?

Целиком - здесь.