12 штук, спойлерно
1. The Doctor speaks baby. A lot.
2. Amy and Rory are in it, but in their tiniest appearance to date.
Я даже не знаю...Возможно, в самом конце, который готовит почву для финала. Хотя совершенно точно было интервью, в котором Карен говорила, что у Артура были совместные сцены с Джеймсом Корденом. оО
3. The Doctor repeats a line he last used in The Five Doctors.
"You've redecorated"
Кажется, это первая фраза, сказанная Доктором Доктору. Но сама я не видела, так что не могу сказать наверняка.
4. The Doctor acts gay for the first time ever.
5. K9 gets an oblique reference.
6. We're very near to the Doctor's death.
7. "Sssshhhhh..."
8. The Doctor gets a hat.
Statsons are cool
9. If you don't already love Matt Smith, you will by 24 minutes in.
10. The Doctor puckers up.
11. Like last week's episode, the main story is wrapped up five minutes before the episode's ending.
А последние 5 минут подводят нас к финалу, показывая
12. "Tick, tock..."
Ещё 15
1. “Talk to me about ladies wear”
2. Imagine the smell of dust after rain
Petrichor. For the girl who is tired of waiting.
3. Britain’s Got Torment
4. A familiar face gives an autograph
5. The Doctor would like to excrete weird alien gas
6. “Your designation is Cyber-Controller. You will lead us. We will conquer this world.”
7. Some important mail is sent
Синие приглашения.
8. The Doctor didn’t wear the Stetson just because it was cool
9. Forget it, they’re back and they own her
Тишина нашла Мелоди.
10. Another Doctor, or just a title?
11. She is looking for eye witness accounts
12. “I **** *** **** *** ***. The ***** *** ***** *** Doctor”
Хм. Ну, например:
"I will *** **** *** ***. The woman who kills the Doctor"
13. “Your **** **** ****** die”
14. Someone takes a dip
15. Tick tock goes the clock **** ***** ***** *** ******