читать дальшеПро Рейхенбах: We've worked out how Sherlock survives, and actually shot part of what really happened. It all makes sense. He cheated outrageously. [Doyle] has Watson deduce that Holmes fell off a waterfall. But there was no body. And it only means one thing in a detective show when there's no body. We had to have Holmes dying in Watson's arms – and get away with that, which we have.
Про сложные сюжеты: They are very clever shows, but they also fetishise cleverness. Cleverness is the superpower. So I get irritated when people say on Twitter: 'It's too complicated. I'm not following it.' Well, you could try putting your phone down and watching it.
Про Холмса и Уотсона вне времени: We wanted to bring him out of the faux-Victorian fog and see him for what he is. Sherlock Holmes is really that posh freak from a wealthy family, that scary boffin crime-solver who lives in your town. Then Watson the ex-soldier, invalided out of the war in Afghanistan, coming home a bit bored because he'd rather be back at the front. So solving crimes with a psychopath excites him.
Холмс и секс: There's no indication in the original stories that he was asexual or gay. He actually says he declines the attention of women because he doesn't want the distraction. What does that tell you about him? Straightforward deduction. He wouldn't be living with a man if he thought men were interesting. It's the choice of a monk, not the choice of an asexual. If he was asexual, there would be no tension in that, no fun in that – it's someone who abstains who's interesting. There's no guarantee that he'll stay that way in the end – maybe he marries Mrs Hudson. I don't know!
Про победу Ирен в "Скандале" (он практически цитирует Блама))): In the original, Irene Adler's victory over Sherlock Holmes was to move house and run away with her husband. That's not a feminist victory. Everyone else gets it that Irene wins. When Sherlock turns up to save her at the end it's like Eliza Dolittle coming back to Henry Higgins in My Fair Lady: 'OK, I like you, now let me hack up these terrorists with a big sword.'
Про матерей: I was called a misogynist because I was reducing women to mothers. 'Reducing women to mothers' – now there is possibly the most anti-women statement I've heard.
Про сильных женщин: River Song? Amy Pond [two leading Doctor Who women characters he created]? Hardly weak women. It's the exact opposite. You could accuse me of having a fetish for powerful, sexy women who like cheating people. That would be fair.
А вообще, я простыла, вчера еле доработала, и у меня такой насморк, что заложило ухо. Ах да, и время убегает. Сквозь пальцы. Вроде только что был вечер пятницы.
Владимир Путин публично заявил, что писатель Акунин участвует в акциях протеста, потому что является «этническим грузином» и «мог не воспринимать действия России во время (...) вооружённой борьбы между Грузией и Россией». Тема многообещающая. Список можно существенно расширить. Немцов – «этнический еврей» и не согласен с позицией МИД в отношении поселений на Западном берегу. Каспарова – «этнического армянина» – не устраивает, что российское правительство помогает строить атомную электростанцию в Турции. Явлинский – как уроженец Львова – недоволен «газовыми войнами» с Украиной. Хакамада – «этническая японка» – требует вернуть Курильские острова. У Буковского польские корни, а тут целая палитра претензий: от восстания Костюшко до Катыни. Про Кара-Мурзу и говорить нечего (сам иногда путаюсь в своих кровях: тут и русская, и еврейская, и латышская, и армянская, и даже греческая). А может быть, все проще, Владимир Владимирович? Может быть, вы просто всех здесь уже достали?
(c) тяжелые гифки Look at the way he looks at her - like for the first time, he actually notices that she’s there. Also, there is wonder in his eyes - wonder at how blind he has been before. For the first time, he sees her loyalty and her love and how easily she reads him and that she will always be there for him, no matter how he has treated her before. And he wonders how his scientific mind has missed something so obvious, something that an ordinary person would have seen long ago.
Whoa, что люди заметили на тумблере! Женщина из присяжных в "Рейхенбахе" это экс-жена таксиста из "Этюда в розовых тонах", судя по фотографии уже подросших детей!